Adam's blog formerly game development, now just casual madness


There’s really nothing much to say about logging. I just thought, I’d share some code that might spare you some time writing it yourself. Basically a Log class. Create an instance for each separate Log type (e.g. Game, Core, Editor, …) and assign n ILogOutput instances to each of them. There are ILogOutput classes for System.Console or a TextWriter in general (any Stream).

The Log class comes with some static properties holding different Logs I set up. They all write only to the Console and use a different background color and log prefix. PushIndent and PopIndent is intended to be used for logging across the a function call hierarchy. Just call PushIndent before calling a function and PopIndent afterwards if you want its log entries to be indented. There are also some utility methods to write a specific log only once or only once in a specified time period. You will need to adjust out the WriteTimed methods as I’m using my engines timer for them. Replace it with some global clock and you’re fine – or just comment them out for a quick test.

Anyway, here is the code:

From Log.cs:

public class Log
	private	static	Log	logGame		= new Log(new ConsoleLogOutput("[Game]   ", ConsoleColor.DarkGray));
	private	static	Log	logCore		= new Log(new ConsoleLogOutput("[Core]   ", ConsoleColor.DarkBlue));
	private	static	Log	logEditor	= new Log(new ConsoleLogOutput("[Editor] ", ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta));

	public static Log Game
		get { return logGame; }
	public static Log Core
		get { return logCore; }
	public static Log Editor
		get { return logEditor; }

	private HashSet<string>				onceWritten = new HashSet<string>();
	private	Dictionary<string,float>	timedLast	= new Dictionary<string,float>();
	private	List<ILogOutput>			strOut		= null;
	private	int							indent		= 0;

	public Log(params ILogOutput[] output)
		this.strOut = new List<ILogOutput>(output);

	public void RegisterOutput(ILogOutput writer)
	public void UnregisterOutput(ILogOutput writer)

	public void Reset()

	public void PushIndent()
	public void PopIndent()

	private void Write(LogMessageType type, string msg)
		foreach (ILogOutput log in this.strOut)
			log.Write(type, msg, this.indent);

	public void Write(string format, params object[] obj)
		this.Write(LogMessageType.Message, String.Format(format, obj));
	public void WriteWarning(string format, params object[] obj)
		this.Write(LogMessageType.Warning, String.Format(format, obj));
	public void WriteError(string format, params object[] obj)
		this.Write(LogMessageType.Error, String.Format(format, obj));

	public void WriteOnce(string format, params object[] obj)
		string t = String.Format(format, obj);
		if (!this.onceWritten.Contains(t))
			this.Write(LogMessageType.Message, t);
	public void WriteWarningOnce(string format, params object[] obj)
		string t = String.Format(format, obj);
		if (!this.onceWritten.Contains(t))
			this.Write(LogMessageType.Warning, t);
	public void WriteErrorOnce(string format, params object[] obj)
		string t = String.Format(format, obj);
		if (!this.onceWritten.Contains(t))
			this.Write(LogMessageType.Error, t);

	public void WriteTimed(int delayMs, string timerId, string format, params object[] obj)
		float last;
		if (!this.timedLast.TryGetValue(timerId, out last) || Time.MainTimer - last > delayMs)
			this.timedLast[timerId] = Time.MainTimer;
			this.Write(LogMessageType.Message, String.Format(format, obj));
	public void WriteWarningTimed(int delayMs, string timerId, string format, params object[] obj)
		float last;
		if (!this.timedLast.TryGetValue(timerId, out last) || Time.MainTimer - last > delayMs)
			this.timedLast[timerId] = Time.MainTimer;
			this.Write(LogMessageType.Warning, String.Format(format, obj));
	public void WriteErrorTimed(int delayMs, string timerId, string format, params object[] obj)
		float last;
		if (!this.timedLast.TryGetValue(timerId, out last) || Time.MainTimer - last > delayMs)
			this.timedLast[timerId] = Time.MainTimer;
			this.Write(LogMessageType.Error, String.Format(format, obj));

public enum LogMessageType

public interface ILogOutput
	void Write(LogMessageType type, string msg, int indent);

From TextWriterLogOutput.cs:

public class TextWriterLogOutput : ILogOutput
	private	string		prefix	= null;
	private	TextWriter	writer	= null;

	public TextWriterLogOutput(TextWriter writer, string prefix = null)
		this.writer = writer;
		this.prefix = prefix;

	public virtual void Write(LogMessageType type, string msg, int indent)
		string[] lines = msg.Split(new char[] { '\n', '\r' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
		for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
			if (i == 0)
				switch (type)
					case LogMessageType.Message:
						lines[i] = this.prefix + "Info:    " + new string(' ', indent * 4) + lines[i];
					case LogMessageType.Warning:
						lines[i] = this.prefix + "Warning: " + new string(' ', indent * 4) + lines[i];
					case LogMessageType.Error:
						lines[i] = this.prefix + "ERROR:   " + new string(' ', indent * 4) + lines[i];
				lines[i] = this.prefix + "         " + new string(' ', indent * 4) + lines[i];

From ConsoleLogOutput.cs:

public class ConsoleLogOutput : TextWriterLogOutput, ILogOutput
	private	ConsoleColor	bgColor;

	public ConsoleLogOutput(string prefix = null, ConsoleColor bgColor = ConsoleColor.Black) : base(Console.Out, prefix)
		this.bgColor = bgColor;

	public override void Write(LogMessageType type, string msg, int indent)
		ConsoleColor clrBg = Console.BackgroundColor;
		ConsoleColor clrFg = Console.ForegroundColor;

		Console.BackgroundColor = this.bgColor;
		if (type == LogMessageType.Warning)		Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
		else if (type == LogMessageType.Error)	Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
		else									Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;

		base.Write(type, msg, indent);

		Console.ForegroundColor = clrFg;
		Console.BackgroundColor = clrBg;

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